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The Gospel of Mark is organized into seven sections that describe the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.

Section 1: Prophesies of the comiing of the Messiah and the baptis and temptation of Jesus.

Section 2: The calling of Simon Peter and his brother Andrew along with the other ten disciples and the beginning of Jesus' Galilean ministry.

Section 3: The withdrawal from Galilee by Jesus and His disciples and the miracles of feeding five thousand and walking on water, Peter's confession that Jesus is the Messiah, the transfiguration, and Jesus predicts His death and resurrection.

Section 4: This covers the period when Jesus goes to Capernaum and preaches.

Section 5: This covers his journey to Judea where he teaches, performs the miracle of restoring sight to a blind man and again predicts His death and resurrection to His disciples (Mark 10:33, 34).

Section 6: The last week starting with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper the arrest, trial and crucifixion.

Section 7: The last section of Mark details the account of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb.

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Q: What are the 7 main events in the narrative of the Gospel of Mark?
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