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Other than God being completely present in our lives, our prayer, and our hearts, the validity of our Lord and Savior can be proved more than most will attest to. Here are the top 5 convincing factors for me. 1) EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY: As Luke wrote when accounting the life of Jesus Christ, "Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught." (Luke 1:1-4 NIV) The authors of the gospels were real men, men who have been written about for decades. In fact, we have been able to learn enough about them to learn of their professions, their families, their relations, etc. These are things that are not written in The Bible itself, helping to prove that these testomonies were written by actual men telling of their actual experiences with Christ Jesus. 2) PROPHECIES: There are hundreds of prophecies written within the New and Old Testaments, many of which have come true already. No man can on his own strength predict the future, no matter how many cards, palms, or crystal balls they may use; yet, the divinely inspired scriptures have proven true on numerous accounts. For example, the life of Christ is prophesied within Isaiah multiple times. The most prominent for me is within Isaiah 53, describing in detail how the Lord's son will be pierced for the transgressions of man. What other faith can have this many accounts of described in this great of detail that have already begun to come to pass? 3) DEAD SEA SCROLLS: This is a topic I am not quite as familiar with, but they have been used often to emphasize this historical background to the Bible. Essentially, these are ancient scripts offering clues as to where the writing of the New Testament have come from. We do know that between 100-125 AD, there were roughly 26,000 copies of the New Testament made. This is within two generations of Jesus Christ himself. The next book to come close was the Illiad between 0-600 AD at 963 copies. I would strongly advise you to do some research into these if you are interested. 4) SCIENCE: There are so many gaps science tends to overlook. For instance, evolution is just not possible as described. To begin, it is not possible to have evolved from apes as scientists commonly believe today. The eyeball gives us a clue into this. It is physically impossible based on design and chemical make-up for our eyes to have evolved from an apes. Also, it has now been proven through mitochondria, which is traced through your mother, that all of creation has come from one women. This leaves us with Eve. Another example would be reptiles to birds. Although there is a trait within a bird's chemical make-up that would allow a bird to grow scales, the heart, which provides all life, would have to evolve chambers and ventricles in order to become what they have today. This evolution, a change over a period of time, would have killed off birds as we know it. Lastly, the Big Band theory or any other theory trying to prove the Earth's existence. No matter what theory is argued, matter cannot be created nor destroyed. Likewise, energy cannot be created nor destroyed. The most common theories entail a great energy or a mysterious matter... Where did that come from? 5) FAITH: "Now faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see." (Hebrews 11:1 NIV) If you have anything stirring within you for Christ Jesus, there is a need to just reach out, trust, and believe. You will be rewarded. As you go along in faith, more and more questions regarding God will become clear. Whether it be the depth of His love for you or the unexplainable grace that you experience, He will be with you wherever you go. If you have any other questions or want to know more, I have a couple of resources that are absolutely amazing. These are just a few but they really helped me. Also, try reading the gospel of John, written for "non-believers". Check them out! More Than a Carpenter, A Case for Christ, and The Existence of God "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16 NIV)

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I have one way. Look Around you. Take in the beauty of the world around you. How did a complex human being such as yourself come into existence? Through the power and grace of God. Watch the movie Case for Creator.

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Q: What are the 5 ways of demonstrating the existence of God?
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