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The first pillar is shahadah, "creed" "faith". The second pillar is salat, the five prayers daily prayers. The third is zakat, the tax to the poor. The fourth is sawm, fasting on Ramadan. The fifth pillar is the Hajj pilgrimage for those who are able.

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13y ago

The 5 pillors of Islam are..

1.Follow the prophet MUHAMMAD and believe the Quran which Allah brought for us.

2.PRAYER,it's very important pray on time!

3.Zakaka ,give anything to the poor.

4.Ramadan,fast only on Ramadan

5.Hajji,Muslim would travel to mosque.

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10y ago

Five Pillars of Islam:

1. Shahadat: [testimony that there is no god except Allah (God) the One and Only One, having No Partner whatsoever. And Muhammad is His servant and Messenger],

2. Salah: (praying five times a day)

3. Zakah: (specific compulsory charity-2,5% of annual savings),

4. Saum: (fasting during Ramadan)

Hajj: (pilgrimage) for each Muslim once in lifetime those who can afford it.

1. Belief in Almighty Allah (God): God- Allah is ONE Allah. There is no god but He. He and He alone deserves worship. He is All-Knowing, All-Seeing. All power lies in His Hands. He is the only Creator, Sustainer, Provider, and Ruler of the worlds. Life and Death are in His Absolute Power. He will punish the sinners and reward the Good. He is Eternal, Unique, and Incorporeal. There is nothing like Him. He has No Son, No Parents, No Partner, No Associate whatsoever. He is above all weakness, want, or lacking. He never sleeps nor doze takes Him. He creates what He wills just by saying 'Be' and it 'Becomes'. No one can encompass His Knowledge or Power.

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11y ago

To pray 5 times a day. , witness there's only one god and Muhammed S.A.W. is his messenger , hajji go to kabah in Mecca , Zakat have to 2.5 percent of your money if its the same amount for the whole year , Sadquah which means give money to the poor mostly Muslims , Fasting for Ramadan.

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10y ago

Five Pillars of Islam:

1. Shahadat: [testimony that there is no god except Allah (God) the One and Only One, having No Partner whatsoever. And Muhammad is His servant and Messenger],

2. Salah: (praying five times a day)

3. Zakah: (specific compulsory charity-2,5% of annual savings)

4. Saum: (fasting during Ramadan)

5. Hajj: (pilgrimage) for each Muslim once in lifetime those who can afford it.

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15y ago

1 Shahadah (profession of faith), 2Salah (ritual prayer),3 Zakat (almsgiving), 4Sawm (fasting during Ramadan) and5 Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)

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15y ago

Iman - Faith, Salaah - Prayer, Zakaat - Charity, Sawm - Fasting, Hajj - Pilgrimage.

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