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There are only two different religion practices in Egypt. Some people are Catholic and some are Muslim. Egyptians have their own Christmas. The Catholic Egyptians celebrate this. Some Egyptians celebrate Christmas on December 25 also.

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11mo ago
  1. Ancient Egyptian religion and burial practices focused on the belief in an afterlife and the preservation of the body through mummification.
  2. Coptic Christianity, which has its roots in early Christianity in Egypt, follows its own religious beliefs and burial traditions, including the use of rock-cut tombs.
  3. Islam, the dominant religion in contemporary Egypt, follows Islamic burial practices, which involve a simple burial with the body facing Mecca.
  4. Judaism has a long history in Egypt, and Jewish burial practices follow Jewish religious customs, including burial within 24 hours of death and without embalming.
  5. There are also small communities of Baha'is in Egypt who practice their own burial rituals, including burial in designated Baha'i cemeteries.
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