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It is Shema Yisrael prayer in Hebrew

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Q: What are the 2 passages on the mezuzah?
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What is a mezuzah case?

A Mezuzah case, is the protective and/or decorative case used to cover the Mezuzah Scroll. The Mezuzah scroll is a small parchment scroll that contains biblical passages, which is then place on the door post of homes according to Jewish Tradition. I'll attached a link of some cases so you can see what they look like.

What does mezuzah remind Jews about?

The mezuzah is not a reminder, but the fulfillment of a commandment or mitzvah - that found in Deuteronomy 6:9, which tell us to inscribe the words of the Sh'ma blessing upon the doorposts of our houses.

What can the mezuzah be made of?

There are two parts of the Mezuzah, The Mezuzah Scroll itself and the Mezuzah Case. The Mezuzah Scroll is made with ink on parchment of a Kosher animal. The case can be made of almost any material as its purpose is to protect the scroll. Most common materials for the mezuzah case are metal, stone, wood and glass.

How big can a mezuzah be?

There is no limit to the size of a Mezuzah. Attached is a video of the largest known mezuzah recently installed at Ben Gurion Airport.

What language is used in the mezuzah?

The scroll inside the mezuzah is written in Hebrew.

Why do the fleeing Jews take the hinges off the door frames in movies like Schindler's List and Defiance?

They are not door frames. They are called Mezuzah (in Hebrew, mezuzah means doorpost), and are a Jewish tradition.The sanctity of the Jewish home is symbolized by the Mezuzah, a small scroll affixed at the doorpost of every Jewish home, and in every room therein. What does the Mezuzah contain? It contains the two Biblical passages in which mention is made of this important commandment:"And thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thy house and upon thy gates."The verses are Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and Deuteronomy 11:13-21.

What is the purpose of a mezuzah?

The origin of the mezuzah is from the "Shema" in which is mentioned the core beliefs of Judaism and its teachings. Therefore, the "purpose" of the mezuzah is as a reminder, when entering and leaving the home, of the mezuzah's message. The mezuzah contains a parchment inscribed with a passage from the Torah (from Deuteronomy ch.6 and ch.11), placed on Jewish doorposts.

When was the first mezuzah made?

The Mezuzah was not "found". The Mezuzah is a Jewish ritual object whose origin is from the Torah, which dates back to 1313 BCE. I guess you could say it was found then.

Must there be certain symbols on a mezuzah?

The significance of the mezuzah is all in the mezuzah scroll itself and therefore, when you hang a visible mezuzah scroll, there is no need for any symbolism. However, when you hang a mezuzah scroll in a protective case through which the scroll is not visible, it should have a letter "shin" (looks like this "\|/" ) on the front to indicate that there is mezuzah scroll inside and it is not just a nice case. The Shin is the first letter of the biblical paragraph written within the scroll as well as the name of g d Sha-dai. Having said that, there are many who choose to have various judaic symbols depicted on their mezuzah cases such as the Jewish star, hamsa, tree of life or other as shown in the attached link.

What is the mitzvot contained within the teffilin and the mezuzah?

There are 7 Mitzvot that are mentioned in the Shema which is in both the Mezuzah and The Teffilin. They are to: 1) Believe in only one G d 2) Love G d 3) Teach the Torah to your children 4) Recite of the Shma Prayer in the Morning and Evening 5) Tying of the Tefillin on the arm 6) Placing the Tefilin on the Head 7) And the Mitzvah of Mezuzah

What is a mezuzah made of?

There are two parts of the Mezuzah, The Mezuzah Scroll itself and the Mezuzah Case. The Mezuzah Scroll is made with ink on the parchment of a Kosher animal. The case can be made of almost any material as its' purpose is to protect the scroll. Most common materials for the mezuzah case is Metal, stone, wood and glass. I attached a link with showing mezuzah cases in different materials.

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