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From the New Testament we can see that Jesus' disciples were:

available - when Jesus called them to follow Him they followed.

teachable - Jesus' disciples listen and obeyed Jesus' teaching.

faithful - Jesus' disciples carried out the job they were given.

These should be characteristics of all Jesus' disciples

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12y ago

He wanted them to have faithfulness, to bear good fruit and to be generous with their talents. He wanted them to have obedience that comes from love; to be servants who'll take up their crosses and follow Him and do more than just their duty.

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13y ago

Trust, obedience, and perseverance are three qualities that make a great disciple.


There is no use following God if you don't trust Him. Just as you would not get into a relationship in the natural when you didn't trust someone, at least I hope not, so it is with God. As we grow spiritually, our faith and trust increase as we learn more about God and His love for us. As we go through various experiences, we develop trust in His protection and other blessings for our lives.


Obedience is the end result of trust. Trust doesn't make sense unless you follow it with obedience. If you truly trust God you will obey what He is showing you to do, because He has your best interests at heart and has a wonderful purpose for your life. (Jeremiah 29:11-14)


This is equally important because there are many hurts and distractions out there in the world that try to derail us. If we don't have perserverance, then every time a distraction or hurt comes along we will stop or go off on some tangent and never get to our goals.

Another attribute that is needed in the Christian life is to want to grow spiritually. Some people just want to stay the way they are once they come to know Jesus as their Savior, but that is not right or good for you. Think of it in the natural sense, if you had a child who never grew, what would you do? You would very likely take him to the doctor to find out why. Yet, people spend their whole lives stuck without ever growing, still going through the same kinds of problems because they won't let God help them. Is that what you are doing in yours? Like the old song says, Jesus becomes sweeter and sweeter as the years go by. That means, as we grow closer to God, we see more and more how much He loves us. His love for us is not based on His moods but is always the same, unconditional. Have you made that commitment to God to know Him as your persoal Savior? You only have until you die to make that choice and then the judgment comes. (Hebrews 9:27) What will your answer be?

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12y ago

1. Be patient

2. Be kind

3. Love the lord more then anything

4. Be willing to lay your life down for him like he did for you

5. Never give in to the devil, resist temptation

6. Love your neighbor as yourself





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15y ago

Disciples will have to undergo hardship and leave their serve the master.

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13y ago

A disciple should follow closely the example of Jesus, in word and deed.

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