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if you mean the pillars of Islam then they are five

1- to testify that there is no god but Allah and that muhammed is his messenger

2- to pray five times every day (dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset & dusk prayers)

3- to give "Zakat" which is giving money to the poors

4- to fast the month of Ramadhan from dawn to sunset

5- to do hajj once in a life time

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Many people think that all Muslims are Terrorists, but this is not all correct.

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Q: What are some stereotypes about Islam?
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What are stereotypes about Islam?

Benefiting from oil money, refraining from alcohol, and wearing robes and turbans are stereotypes about Islam. In reality, not all Muslims have access to oil revenues and rely on the kindness of Islam's wealthier practitioners for free couscous on Fridays while some believers accept alcoholic beverages in non-Islamic countries and many adherents wear modern attire.

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Some common types of stereotypes include racial stereotypes, gender stereotypes, age stereotypes, and cultural stereotypes. These preconceived notions can lead to unfair generalizations about individuals or groups based on their characteristics, often perpetuating discrimination and bias. It is important to recognize and challenge stereotypes in order to promote equality and understanding.

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