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The 10 Commandments

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Q: What are some rules that the religion Christianty has to follow?
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Do they follow the rules of law in Australia?

some of the australians doesn follow the rules and they will be dead

What was the amendmends?

it is technically rules you had to follow back then. you can call them rules or law, some of the rules/laws we still need to follow today

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They follow some of the muslim principles not all the principles , examples of these principles laws of marriage, divorce, inheritance, etc. In the meantime, other religion followers (Christians and Jews are allowed to apply their own religion rules and laws related to these issues.

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some times you have rules to follow

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to follow roman numerals is sereos in working

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This makes no sense. Some kosher what?

Why does nemesis punish some humans?

Because they don't follow the rules

What religion believes that moral behavior comes naturally to us and that you should not strain and strive to follow moral rules?

No religion that I have ever heard of, and if you think of Christians this way you must have a very strange group living in your town. If such a religion does exist try a broader search into religion and not just Christianity, as we do adhere to moral rules though some of us (including me) believe that God created us with inherent knowledge of right from wrong (though whether or not you obey these instincts is up to you).

What are some rules a citizen has to follow in the US?

you have to give your birthday your idee card

What are some of the qualties you should have to be in the FBI?

you should follow the rules and there are some rules like be thin and you have to know how to shoot with the gun and you have to have good eyes by not wearing glasses

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Students may not follow school rules for a variety of reasons, such as seeking attention, testing boundaries, peer pressure, or lack of understanding or belief in the rules. Additionally, some students may have personal issues or challenges that affect their behavior and ability to follow rules. Effective communication, consequences, and support are important in helping students understand the importance of following school rules.

Are non religious people immoral?

Some are and some aren't. Being religious or not is not what makes people immoral. It is their own actions. Lots of people who do not follow any religion are very moral, and there are lots of people who do follow a religion but behave immorally.