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If you are just visiting the church with a friend or even alone. the best thing to do is follow the lead of the other people in the church. srtart of by dresing reasonably wel and in that way you show respect for those that are around you. some churches hand a collection plate around that goes towards the upkeep of the church and facilitys if you wish have something with you to put on the plate. other then that there isn't much to it.

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13y ago
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10y ago

It depends upon the church. Ultimately a church is an assembly of people, in the Christian sense it is an assembly of people pursuing after Christ. Christ said there are only really two commandment, the first and most important is we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind and with all our strength, and the second is we should love our neighbor as ourselves.

On these hang all the commandments.

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15y ago

Proper church etiquette would be no talking, semi-formal clothing, giving full attention by listening and looking at the priest or whoever is speaking at the time, and sitting kneelign or standing at the appropriate times.

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10y ago

On a normal Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation, one should normally dress your best, you are not trying to impress other people, you are trying to show respect for God Almighty, whose presence you will be in. Although in the past there have been specific requirements (for instance, for women their skirt should reach their knee, they were not permitted to have bare arms, and their head had to be covered) these are no longer in force but we should keep in mind that proper decorum for Our Blessed Lord is never out of place. If for some reason you cannot be dressed appropriately, like you have been up all night in an emergency room and didn't have time to go home and dress, then I'm sure that God knows about this. Nevertheless, you should never show up for Church looking like you were going to a dance party or are coming from the beach or are preparing to go out and garden! In the old days, when people had proper respect for Our Blessed Lord, one did not talk in Church, other than a whispered, "Pardon me, but you put the kneeler down on my foot, would you mind getting up for a moment?" anything else should be saved for after you leave the Church.

When you come in, dip your hand in the holy water and bless yourself. Go into the nave, walk to your pew and genuflect to the Blessed Sacrament. If there is no Blessed Sacrament in the Church, or if you have just had major back surgery, then you bow to the altar (or to the Blessed Sacrament in the later instance), enter the pew, kneel down, and begin your prayers. You should always begin your prayers by thanking God for allowing you to be here, and then making a sincere act of contrition for all the sins of your past life. Please note that if you are in a state of mortal (serious) sin, you should have gone to confession beforehand, else you will be unable to receive Holy Communion.

From that point on, follow along in your Missal or Hymnal, join the congregation in the responses and hymns. If you are able to receive Holy Communion, go up at Communion, make an appropriate gesture of respect (a bow of the head is recommended in the United States, genuflection is never out of place as long as you don't trip the person behind you or you may kneel to receive Our Blessed Lord in Communion) go back to your pew, kneel down and make a fervent Thanksgiving.

After Mass, DO NOT run out of the church, kneel down and praise God, thank God, and adore God. Take the time to realize what He has done for you, realize how grateful you are, and beg Him for the mercy of allowing you to cooperate with the great grace He has given you.

Finally, genuflect upon leaving the pew (or before leaving the pew if there are a lot of people in the aisle), bless yourself with Holy Water on the way out, and take your time getting out of the parking lot so as not to run over any little children.

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8y ago

In general, you are supposed to be respectful. This will usually include that you avoid shouting or making loud noises, for example. However, the details vary depending on the specific religion or denomination.

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15y ago

We should be quiet while having the mass, give respect.

Listen attentively to the Word of God.

Apply the Good News of the Lord to our daily life.

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Q: What are some rules of behavior while in church?
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