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According to traditional Christian belief:

  • God is perfectly good;
  • God's power is unlimited (he is omnopotent);
  • God is all-knowing (omniscient);
  • God is the sole creator of everything that exists;
  • There is evil in the world.

The problem of evil is that if the universe as we know it is the creation of a God who is all-knowing, all-powerful and all-good, then it is surprising that there is evil in the world. David Hume put the theist's dilemma as, "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is impotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Whence then is evil."

Theologians are unwilling to accept that the problem of evil is evidence that God does not exist, and have struggled with theodocies that seek to resolve the problem in favour of religion. An important religious explanation for the existence of evil is the existence of free will. God allwed us to choose to do good or do evil, and evil is the misuse by us of that God-given power. Not everything we regard as an evil is the result of human wrongdoing, and Norman L. Geisler (Christian Ethics: Options and Issues), speaking as a Christian against euthanasia, says that far from being an evil to avoid at all cost, suffering can be a time of refining and character building.

Philosophers tend to make the distinction between natural evil and moral evil. The religious explanation for natural evil is that God did it, perhaps as punishment for wrongdoing, but the non-religious explanation is simply the working of natural laws. Moral evil does not have a general non-religious explanation, other than the moral failings of some people.

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