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the story of the great lepar the big banana martin bob

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Q: What are some of the jainism sacred stories?
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What is jainism sacred sites?

jainism is worshiped in the temples where the trithankaras are worshiped

Which religion DOES NOT find israel sacred?

Shinto, Jainism, Hinduism,

Why do communities tell sacred stories?

communities tell sacred stories because if they didnt then there wouldnt be any other stories realated to sacred stories to be told

Show me a sentences for sacred?

To a Hindu a cow is the most sacred of all animals.You're stepping on sacred ground Kevin, have some respect.This signed Sheffield Wednesday shirt is literally sacred to me, that's why I have it framed; so it can't be damaged.

An Indian religion based on the teachings of Mahavira that teaches all life is sacred?


What key beliefs do jainism's have?

Jainist believe that all living things are sacred and they should not harm anything.

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Use the word Jainism in a sentence?

An indian religion based on the teaching of mahavira that teaches all life is sacred

What are the sacred stories of Hinduism?

ramayan and mahabharat

What are some sacred Jewish stories?

See the attached Related Link for examples. Also, the Bible itself has numerous stories that Jews deem to be sacred, such as the story of Cain and Abel, the story of Noah and the Flood, the story of Abraham's arrival in Canaan and his life, the stories of Isaac and Ishmael, the stories of Jacob and Esau and Jacob and Laban, the story of Joseph and his brothers...and that's just Genesis.

Buddhism and Hinduism were originally branches of Jainism?

Some people believe that Jainism even existed much before Hinduism and Buddhism. Jains believe that Jainism is an eternal religion. Recent researches by some historians even show that Jainism might have even existed 5 lakh years back. If this is believed to be true, then it is quite possible that both Buddhism and Jainism were actually branches of Jainism, where Buddhism is quite similar to Jainism in many respects. Moreover, Hinduism might have been a mixture of local and some Jain beliefs.

What religion believes that all life is sacred?

One religion that believes all life is sacred is Jainism. Jains follow the principle of ahimsa, or non-violence, towards all living beings, believing that every form of life has a soul and deserves respect and compassion. This belief extends to animals, plants, and even microscopic organisms.