Poseidon was known for his moodiness and because he was unhappy with his land, atlantis, he destroyed it with one massive earthquake. He also was involved in a contest with Athena over who should be the patron god of Athens. Athena created the olive tree, and Poseidon created horses from sea foam. Athena won.
The rogue wave.
Poseidon is mythological.
the contest of arakne
Amphirite (spelling?) His son with her is Tritan.
Slayed Dython the Srepent
Slayed Dython the Srepent
I'm sorry some jackass put a stupid answer on this question so I am suggesting you look somewhere else for this answer :)
Generally, most crimes require a "mens rea" or intent requirement. For example, murder generally requires that you intended to cause the death of a person. However, there are some crimes that do NOT require an intent to commit the crime. Those crimes are much more uncommon and include such crimes as manslaughter. You didn't' intend to cause the death of another person, but your negligent actions resulted in a death.
Accountants are not crimes or civil actions, they are people. Only laws and civil actions have statute of limitations.
She accidentally killed Pallas, her "BFF" and she turned medusa into a monster, and she turned arachne into a spider. Hope that helped! <3<3
going back to the mortal world to visit his son when fobiden
Poseidon did not have a lover as such but he did rape the high-priestes Medusa.