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Birth date unknown - but around 4BC

Born to a Virgin - Mary the wife of Joseph the Carpenter, but unmarried at the time of conception

His birth foretold by the Angel GGabriel

His coming foretold by prophets hundreds of years before

Born in a cowshed, or cave, where animals are kept as w are told that he was laid in a manger (a food trough) after his birth.

Born in Bethlehem near Jerusalem, Israel.

First people to be told were shepherds - the lowliest of all occupations. Jesus care for the poor and not for the important people.

He was visited sometime after his birth by wise men probably from Persia who brought him 3 gifts (gold - to signify Kingship, frankincense a perfume burned in the temple, to signify his holiness, and myrrh, embalming fluid for the dead, to signify his suffering and death)

The wise men were led by a star that appeared in the sky at the right time

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Q: What are some facts about the birth of Jesus?
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Need facts about the birth of baby Jesus?

The three main facts about the birth of Jesus areas follows. 1) He was born of a virgin. 2) He was born in a stable even though he was son of god. 3) His life was in danger right from the start, somebody wanted him dead.

What are facts about the birth of jesus?

The birth of Jesus is described in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, although the two accounts are so contradictory that at most only one could be historically true. On the first of these, John Shelby Spong (Born of a Woman: A Bishop Rethinks the Birth of Jesus) says that Matthew was clearly writing Christian midrash. On Luke's account, Raymond E. Brown (An Introduction to the New Testament) says, in part, that although Luke likes to set his Christian drama in the context of well-known events from antiquity, sometimes he does so inaccurately. In other words, we must look elsewhere for any facts about the birth of Jesus.Apart from Matthew and Luke, some of the non-canonical gospels provide even more fanciful stories about the infant Jesus, and can not be regarded as factual. We have no verifiable facts about the birth of Jesus.

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1. his mother was a virgin 2. his father was a carpenter 3. his heavenly father (God) loves you and me.

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