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First off, it is not a theory. A theory is an explanation for an observation based on facts and backed by evidence. Intelligent design is a mere hypothesis. The notion that life is so complex it must be designed, is nothing more than fancy circular logic. Design proposes the idea that the goal of whatever designed let's say, humans, is life. This being has yet to be proven to exist, so attempting to use point B to prove point A, is a logical fallacy and can't be done. And to be quite honest, humans are anything but intelligently designed. You'd think the supreme being of the universe could have done a better job. Evolution is the reason human beings are so "complex". This is a fact. Many people like to say "evolution is just a theory". Theories and laws are two different things. A law describes, a theory explains. For example, the law of gravity states that matter is attracted to other matter (if you let go of something it will fall), the theory of gravity explains WHY that happens. A theory never becomes a law, and a law never was a theory. As for the universe being intelligently designed and conditions on earth being "perfect"? It's not the earth that's suited for us, it's us suited for the earth.

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11mo ago
  1. Lack of empirical evidence: Critics argue that the design theory lacks empirical evidence and relies heavily on subjective interpretations of complex phenomena. They assert that the theory fails to provide testable predictions and does not meet the scientific standards of evidence.

  2. Inadequacy of the designer: Critics question the idea that a supernatural or intelligent being is responsible for the complexity and diversity of life. They argue that natural processes, such as evolution, adequately explain the development and adaptation of organisms, rendering a designer unnecessary.

  3. Argument from imperfection: Critics point out that many aspects of the natural world exhibit imperfections and inefficiencies, which they argue would not be expected if an intelligent and deliberate designer were responsible. They cite examples such as human ailments and poorly designed anatomical structures as evidence against the design theory.

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