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Choosen is what should be called.

1. Adam first man to live/ person to create a civilization with Eve

2. Moses free the slaves, build his city, and given the 10 laws/Commandments that we shall live by

3. Noah build ArK to destroy all evil and sins.

4. Jesus spread the truth of his father God. Help others blind, paralyzed, dead, and that tax collector. Also to die for our sins

5. Samson dont drink alcohol and cut hair equals strength to protect city and family from war.

6. Abraham build his city and to multiply and to test to see if he would kill his own son for God. He was until a angel came down and said stop you have proven your worthiness.

7.Job to test if he was really believing in god and fear god and shunned evil. He lost everything. His kids. Animals. Wife. Etc. Job kept praying to god to help him from satan. And God gave him everything. Family, food, house, etc.

8. Angel Gabriel if he counts as a man. To send messages throughout all the world of his existence. And to tell who is choosen.

9. Satan. Believe it or not he choosed him and made him an angel. Satan disobeyed God and became a fallen Angel.

10. Fallen angels that helped Noah went back to heaven when asking for forgiveness.

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1. Methuselah- 969 years 2. Jared- 962 years 3. Noah- 950 years 4. Adam- 930 years 5. Seth- 912 years 6. Kenan- 910 years 7. Enosh- 905 years

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Q: What are seven men God used in the Bible?
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