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Q: What are sacred texts of the three monotheistic religions of Europe?
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What are three major monotheistic religions?

The three major monotheistic religions are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions believe in one God and have sacred texts such as the Torah, the Bible, and the Quran.

How are the major religions alike?

they all have sacred texts and beliefs or laws

What texts can be viewed on the Sacred Texts website?

There are a huge variety of religious inspired texts that are offered by the Sacred Texts website. The site promotes religious tolerance and scholarship, and claims to include many different religions.

Why are sacred texts helpful to people from different religions how do belivers use sacred texts how would religions be different without sacred texts?

The Holy Bible is from God and it helps people to become aware of what He wants for their lives. Religions would be different without scripture because, the information might not get passed on correctly if it was only taught verbally without a text.

Are any sacred texts used?

yes there are ova 500 core txts of religions

What are scared texts?

1 Religious texts, also known as scripture, are the texts which various religious traditions consider to be sacred, or of central importance to their religious tradition. Many religions and spiritual movements believe that their sacred texts are divinely or supernaturally inspired.

Which 2 religions are without sacred texts?

All religion's texts aren't sacred. Don't let anyone ever tell you they are. Saying their texts are sacred is just one of the many tools those in religious power use to protect and perpetuate their world standing. Don't play into it.

Does the religion have any special or sacred texts?

Yes, many religions have special or sacred texts that are considered authoritative and hold religious significance. For example, Christianity has the Bible, Islam has the Quran, Hinduism has the Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita, and Buddhism has texts like the Tripitaka and the Dhammapada.

How is Islam like Catholicism?

Both have similar stories and core beliefs in their sacred texts and in general, as between many religions.

Is sacred texts shared or not shared by Hinduism and Buddhism?

Sacred texts are shared between Hinduism and Buddhism, with both religions revering texts such as the Vedas and Upanishads. However, each tradition also has its own distinct scriptures, such as the Bhagavad Gita for Hindus and the Tripitaka for Buddhists.

A country has passed a law forbidding religious minorities from owning or reading their religions' sacred texts. Which of the following people is engaged in passive resistance against this lawAsk us a?

A student who passes out copies of her sacred texts in front of a police station despite knowing she will be arrested (B)

Was sacred texts share by the Hinduism and Buddhism?

None. Hinduism and Buddhism share no sacred texts.