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Q: What are priests and scholars?
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How were pharaohs?

By their fathers, head priests and scholars.

How were pharaohs trained?

By their fathers, head priests and scholars.

The Brahmans the highest Hindu caste consisted mainly of?

The Brahmans consisted mainly of priests and scholars.

What were priests that specialized in writing called?

Scribes, Bible scholars, scriptorium workers.

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What Brahmans the highest caste consisted mainly of what types of people?

The Brahmans consisted mainly of priests and scholars.

Is a Buddhist priest called a larma?

A Tibetan Buddhist Monk is a lama. There are no Buddhist "priests", lamas are scholars and teachers.

In the medieval time why did the priests use images and not words?

In the Medieval Era the only people who were educated enough to read were royalty, priests, and scholars. There was no way to produce mass books then and that kept the common people illiterate.

What type of occupations do Brahmans have?

Jobs/services they provide are priests and scholars along with guarding the Vedas. They learn their duty or life from their fathers.

What are Gupta social classes?

1. Scholars and priests. 2. Kings and warriors. 3. Merchants. 4. Farmers and service providers. 5. Untouchables.

Gupta Empire's caste system?

Brahmins (scholars and priests)Kshatriyas (kings and warriors)Vaishyas (merchants)Shudras (farmers, service providers)Parjanya (untouchables)

What people spoke Sanskrit?

Sanskrit was spoken by ancient scholars and priests in India. It was primarily used in religious rituals, ceremonies, and literary compositions. Today, Sanskrit is mainly studied as a classical language by scholars and is used in traditional Indian rituals and practices.