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There are several schools of Buddhism and they may each hold different places as being particularly significant.

However there is a consensus over the four major pilgrimage places, these were also identified as significant by the historical Buddha himself.

Lumbini - The birthplace of Buddha -

Bodhgaya - The place of enlightenment

Sarnath - The first Buddhist teachings took place here

Kushinagara - The place where Buddha died

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There are many places holy to Buddhists but the four that seem to be shared by all include:

  • Lumbini - the birthplace of the Buddha (Nepal)
  • Bodhgaya - the place where the Buddha became enlightened (India)
  • Sarnatha - where the Buddha taught for the first time (India)
  • Kushinagara - the place where the Buddha died (India)
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13y ago

"Holy" is not a word that has much meaning in Buddhism but there are four places Buddhists visit on pilgrimage: Lumbini, Nepal -- where the Buddha was born. Bodh Gaya, India -- where he was enlightened. Deer Park, India -- where he preached his first sermon. Kusinara, India -- where he died.

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