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  • In Luke, the angel makes the announcement to Mary, not Joseph.
  • Mary's cousin, Elisabeth, is the mother of John the Baptist.
  • John's Father, Zacharias is struck dumb for his disbelief, until the birth of his son.
  • The home of Mary and Joseph is in Nazareth, not Bethlehem as in Matthew.
  • There is a census during the governorship of Quirinius, requiring the young couple to travel to Bethlehem.
  • Jesus is born in a stable and placed in a manger - in Matthew he is found in Joseph's house.
  • When Jesus is born, angels appear to shepherds watching their flocks at night. The poor shepherds come to worship the baby Jesus.
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Q: What are four things in the infancy narrative from the announcement through the actual birth that are found in Luke but not Matthew?
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