Molech was an ancient god worshiped by various cultures in the ancient Near East, including the Canaanites and Phoenicians. In biblical texts, Molech is associated with child sacrifice, where children were offered as burnt sacrifices to the deity. The practice of sacrificing children to Molech was strongly condemned in the Hebrew Bible and was considered a grave sin.
He isn't.
Molech, fore father of the abortion industry
The word sundance is not written in all of the English KJV biblical text, Therefore it has no significance related to Hebrew/Christian doctrine.You might find some significance of Sundance, related to those who worship a sun god, as people did in Egypt and other parts of the world. If memory serves me correct they called that god Molech. There are biblical texts written concerning Molech and the practice of heathen worship of that god. Molech was the chief deity of the Ammonites. However among these verses there is no mention of Sundance, it is simply believed that the worship of Molech was as a god of the sun.Leviticus 18:21and 20:2-51 Kings 11:72 Kings 23:10Jeremiah 32:35
Molech (Moloch , Molekh , Molok , Molek , Molock , Moloc , Melech , Milcom or Molcom) was an Ammonite god, also worshiped by the Canaanites and the Phoenician's. Molech was often mentioned in Old Testament Scripture in association with the rebellion of the Jews against their God. Worshipers of Molech were known to sacrifice their children by fire to him (even the Jews were mentioned to have done this multiple times in the Old Testament). Leviticus 18:21: "And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Moloch."
Molech is not a demon according to the Old Testament, but a false god, like Amon Ra. Therefore, there is no archangel to oppose him as he does not exist.
"Molech Monnex is very well known for their wide variety of car insurance policies. However, they do offer a small market for home insurance policies as well."
Adultery to GOD, i.e., leaving the ONE True GOD of the universe to follow pagan idols, i.ei., Allah, and the other pagan gods of the time...molech, Baal, etc.
Maybe you meant to ask about Numbers. The only ones I can think of in Leviticus is the man who blasphemed (ch.24); and see also ch.18 concerning the Egyptians and Canaanites, and ch.20 concerning the worshipers of molech.
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