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Atheism is lack of belief in gods. A person who fits into that description is called an atheist.

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Q: What are atheism followers called?
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What are the followers of the religion called?

Followers or believers of a religion would generally be named after that certain religion. For example: People who believe in Christianity would be called Christians; Atheism- Atheists, Catholicism- Catholics, Buddhism- buddhists, Hinduism- Hindu, and so forth.

What is Atheism called in grammar?

Atheism is a noun.

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Atheism isn't a religious belief and doesn't have churches associated with it.

What is it called when you don't believe in God Jesus Satan?

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Most official followers: Christianity Fastest Growing: Islam Fastest for conversions: Buddhism/Hinduism Most unofficial followers: Hinduism Most talked about: Atheism

What is a belief in no god?

A person who does not believe in any God is an Atheist.

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The followers of Hinduism are called Hindus

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Atheism is simply a lack of belief in supernatural deities. There is no doctrine and therefore, no preachers.

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There is no organized group called "Atheism." While there are several atheist groups, there is no membership requirement for atheism. An atheist is simply someone who does not believe that gods exist.

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What is the belief that nothing is spiritual and there is no god called?

That might be "atheism".