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They are Christians who aren't Catholics. Popular Protestant denominations include Baptists, Lutherans, Methodists and Episcopalians.

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Protests are expressions of objections by words or actions to particular situations, events or policies.

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Q: What are Protestants?
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Who converts more Catholics to Protestants or Protestants to Catholics?

protestants to catholics

What are some similarities between Protestants and Presbyterians?

Presbyterians are a subset of Protestants, so they are Protestants. Not all Protestants are Presbyterians, however.

In the 1800's the term native American was used to describe?

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Not for protestants but for Catholics

What do protestants believe that Christians don't?

Protestants are Christians.

Why did protestants leave Europe?

Protestants sought religious freedom.

Why are Protestants called Protestants and if Catholics Protest can they be Protestants too?

Protestants are called protestants because they PROTESTED against the catholic church because Henry viii was catholic but he wanted a divorce but the catholics would not let him, so he started his own church( church of England) and they were called the protestants, also you can not be protestant and catholic.

What are the two religious groups in Ireland that are at war with each orther?

The Protestants and the Catholics have fought for many years in Ireland but it was for political reasons rather than religious ones. The Protestants wanted the head of the Church of England to rule which is the King or Queen of England. There isn't any fighting now.

In November 1641 was Ireland ruled by Catholics or Protestants?

It was if and if but protestants were moving fast BUT...There were tons of catholics pouring in (like the protestants). But the protestants were ruling Ireland (mostly like Quakers etc.. etc...)

Why is Northern Ireland Protestant?

No. There are more Protestants than Catholics in Northern Ireland.No. There are more Protestants than Catholics in Northern Ireland.No. There are more Protestants than Catholics in Northern Ireland.No. There are more Protestants than Catholics in Northern Ireland.No. There are more Protestants than Catholics in Northern Ireland.No. There are more Protestants than Catholics in Northern Ireland.No. There are more Protestants than Catholics in Northern Ireland.No. There are more Protestants than Catholics in Northern Ireland.No. There are more Protestants than Catholics in Northern Ireland.No. There are more Protestants than Catholics in Northern Ireland.No. There are more Protestants than Catholics in Northern Ireland.

What percent out of all people in Germany are protestants in percent?

about 30 % are protestants

What do protestants do with dead people?

Protestants either bury or cremate there dead.