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Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Islam is built upon five pillars: "Testimony that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah; performing prayer, paying the Zakah, fasting the month of Ramadan, and pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca) for those who can afford it."

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The importance is to teach Muslims morals and principles of Islam.

First Pillar- Statement of Faith

Said when a baby is born, said throughout the day, etc.

Second Pillar- Praying

Set for 5 times a day, to teach responsibility and the worshipping of Allah.

Third Pillar- Fasting

During the month of Ramadan, to feel the pain of those in Islamic countries with no food or water.

Fourth Pillar- Charity

To send money to Islamic countries teaching sharing. Meant to be given to the poor and disabled.

Fifth Pillar- Pilgrimage to Mecca

With halal money, fulfilling Allah's main duty. If the Muslim is poor, it is not required to go because then they might go with haraam (forbidden) money. Worshipping Allah and cleansing themselves is the main point of pilgrimage.

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11y ago

You mean the Islam five pillars. They are:

  1. Witnessing that no God except one and only one God and that Muhammad is His messenger and prophet
  2. Performing the Salah (or praying)
  3. Giving zakat (or alms giving)
  4. Fasting the month of Ramadan (Sawm)
  5. Performing pilgrimage (or Hajj) per one's capacity

Refer to question below for more details.

Answer B

Five Pillars of Islam according to shia Muslims are:

1. Monotheism: The Oneness of Allah (tawhid)

2. Divine Justice ('adl)

3. Prophethood (nubuwwa)

4. Succession to Muhammad (imamat)

5. The Day of Judgement and the Resurrection (Qiyama)

Practices of Islam according to shia Muslims:

1- Prayers (salaat) - 5 times a day

2- Fasting (sawm) during Ramadan

3-4. Alms giving (zakaat and khums)

5- Pilgrimage to the city of Makkah (hajj)

6- Holy Defense (Jihad)

7-8. Enjoining good (amr bil-ma'rouf) and forbidding evil (nahiy an al-munkar)

9- Supporting those who walk in the path of Allah (tawalli li awliyaa' Allah)

10- Turning away from the enemies of Allah (tabarri min a'daa Allah)

Five Pillars of Islam according to Sunni Muslims are:

1. professing (Shahadah)

2. Prayer (Salat)

3. Alms-giving (Zakāt)

4. Fasting (Sawm of Ramadan)

5. Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj)

also different sects of sunni have differs in five pillars. for example Mu'tazilate Sunni Scholars like shia consider Adl as one pillar. but Ash'arites does not believe Adl is one of Pillars although believing in Adl as an attribute of God but with an interpret of Adl that in view of shia and Mu'tazilate is equal to not having Adl.

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If you mean the five pillars of Islam, then they are not physical pillars. They pillars of the fundamentals of the Islam religion. they are not bound by places.

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yes, the Islam 5 pillars are mentioned in Quran. However, the details on how these 5 pillars could be performed are described and taught by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through his sayings and practices.

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i don't think there is such a name ... they're just called the 5 pillars of Islam or just the pillars of Islam ... and Allah knows best

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There is no such thing as the pillars of ka'ba, but there is something called the 5 pillars of Islam and here they are: 1. shahada2. salah3. zakat4.sawm during ramadan5.hajj To be a Muslim you should have all these.