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Latter Day Saints is the proper name for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They are also called "LDS" or "Mormons".

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Q: What are Latter Day Saints otherwise known as?
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Mormons. Otherwise known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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Latter Day Saints, as in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (a.k.a. the "Mormon" church) means saints of the last days. Members of the church believe that they are Latter Day Saints - followers of Christ (saints) in the last (latter) days.

The Church of the Latter Day Saints is also known as what?

The Mormon Church

What religious denomination uses the acronym LDS?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints uses the acronym LDS.

When was Apostle - Latter Day Saints - created?

Apostle - Latter Day Saints - was created in 1830.

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Stake - Latter Day Saints - was created in 1834.

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Priest - Latter Day Saints - was created in 1830.

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Seventy - Latter Day Saints - was created in 1835.

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Teacher - Latter Day Saints - was created in 1830.

When was The Story of the Latter-day Saints created?

The Story of the Latter-day Saints was created in 1992.

When was James Sloan - Latter Day Saints - born?

James Sloan - Latter Day Saints - died in 1886.

What was Brandon Sanderson family like?

Not much is known about his family life besides being raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (otherwise known as Mormon). He is married with 3 children.