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a christian but a bit different!

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Q: What are Christian orthadox?
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Christian Orthadox

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I think Christian - Greek Orthadox Christian. :)

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Why were there more crusaders?

well, to be smart here, the Crusades had many battles fought, even the christian orthadox fought, Mongols. and many other crusade groups. Think of it as a tournament.

What are two polytheistic religions?

Christianity separated from the main body of judaisum for two major reasons.

Is Natalie J. Robb a Roman Catholic?

Orthadox jew

What is serbias most popular religon?

In the country, it would be Serbian Orthadox.

What are the Orthodox Christians main rules in life?

1. Follow the ten commandments and love God. 2. respect your mother and father, there normal rules are: 1. stay a vergin until you are married, 2. marry a orthadox or christian man so it will be able to follow orthadox customs. 3. Go to church every or most Sundays to say thankyou to God! 4. treat everyone as your brother or sister.

What does a russia person do on Christmas day?

The Russian Orthadox Christmass Day is January 7th.

What religion is Peter André?

He's Greek so i think that makes him Orthadox Peter's parents chose to be Jehovah Witnesses, so Peter was brought up as a Witness. He has said that he never celebrated Christmas time until he met Katie Price and had children; he said he respects his parents religion and therefore the religion he was raised under, but no longer practises it.

What religion is a orthadox?

"Orthodox" typically refers to Eastern Orthodox Christianity, which is a branch of Christianity that has its roots in the early church and follows traditional beliefs and practices. It is distinct from other Christian denominations, such as Roman Catholicism and Protestantism.

The last of the orthadox caliphs?

He is the fourth Caliph Ali Ibn Abou Taleb (Allah be pleased with him)