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The Second Vatical Council recommended that the Church renew its way of receiving Adult Candidates. A revised rite called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) was approved by Pope Paul VI in 1972 and has become the norm for the Church. RCIA stresses formation in doctrine, liturgy, Church life, and service and involves the larger Church community in welcoming, instructing, helping and praying for Candidates.

RCIA has four stages. The first is the Period of Inquiry which may lasts from several weeks to many months. During this stage candidates are invited to ask questions about the Church, share their own faith stories, and decide whether they wish to continue.

Those who do continue celebrate the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens. This is a more intense period of formation and introduction to liturgy, faith-life, and service.

The Rite of Election, which normally takes place on the First Sunday of Lent, marks the transition between the Catechumenate and the third stage, Enlightenment and Purification. This stage covers the season of Lent and includes special liturgical ceremonies at the Lenten Masses, as well as more intense preparation through prayer and study. It climaxes at the Easter Vigil with the sacraments of Initiation-baptism, confirmation, and the holy Eucharist.

The final stage of the RCIA is the Post-baptismal Catechesis (Mystagogia) This stage lasting from Easter to Pentecost focuses on the mysteries (Mystagogia) of Christ's death and resurrection and helps the newly baptized to develop a deeper understanding of their faith. They now share fully in the Eucharist and are asked to live the Gospel in their daily lives and to perform works of service for others.

The RCIA is the process by which non baptized candidates are received into the Church. Baptized members of other Christian denominations who wish to join the Catholic Church are not baptized again, but are received into full communion with the Catholic Church through penance, profession of faith, confirmation, and the holy Eucharist. The stages of the RCIA may be adapted to meet their needs.

The RCIA can also serve as a model for ongoing conversion for all members of the Catholic Church. As Catholics see new candidates learning to imitate Christ, they are encouraged to deepen their faith. As they participate in the liturgical ceremonies welcoming new members, they can renew their own commitment to Christ.

As they see the newly baptized begin ministries of service, they are encouraged to serve more generously. And those who act as sponsors, teachers, and "prayer partners" for the candidates have abundant opportunities for personal growth.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

RCIA stands for Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults. The classes are for anyone who is interested or has questions about the Catholic Church and what she teaches, whether they are thinking of joining or not. RCIA is a process and there are five different stages: Inquiry, Catechumenate, Purification and Preparation, Initiation, and Mystagogy.

In the first stage, Inquiry, you are simply discovering what the Catholic Church teaches and finding answers to your questions. There is no need for commitment of any kind. "Your main task here is to explore and develop your faith enough so you can make an informed initial decision about entering the Catholic Church" (link added).

Once you enter the Catechumenate stage you have decided that you want to join the Catholic Church. In this stage you are called a catechumen, and go through catechesis, which is "the use of written and spoken words [...] to pass down the Gospel of Jesus Christ" (Catholic Dictionary, 167). Catechumens learn the Catechism and more about the Catholic faith.

The Purification and Preparation stage is the last stage before you are initiated into the Catholic Church at Easter. It takes place during the Lent before you are received into the Church. It is an intense period that calls for reflection and deeper conversion. You also go through Scriptural meditation, focusing on the Gospels, to prepare you to commit your life to Christ.

Finally comes the Easter Vigil and your initiation day! During the Easter Vigil Mass, you will receive the Sacraments of Confirmation, Eucharist, and Baptism (if you haven't been baptized already). "Initiation itself [is] the culmination of the whole process" (link added).

After you are received into the Church, you go through the Mystagogy stage. In this stage you learn about what the Church teaches again. Since you have now received the graces from the Sacraments of Initiation, you can now understand the mysteries better and see them through eyes of faith. It also helps you to stay strong in your new faith, so that you are not just shoved into the "real world" without any support.

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If you are still young, you can attend classes called CCD. If you are in adulthood, most Catholic churches offer RCIA (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) classes which take you through the main sacraments.

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You make an appointment with the local Catholic priest and go in and talk to him to find out what is required. If you are an adult, you will most likely attend RCIA classes and be received into the Church at Easter.

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Call the Director of Religious Education or the Pastor at your local Catholic church and inquire about entering the RCIA process.

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Based on my knowledge of RCIA, I believe that confirmation candidates also go through the process. However, the process is certainly not as involved as receiving all four sacraments (Baptism, First Communion, Reconciliation, and Confirmation). The best answer really is: talk to a clergy member or Catechist in your parish office.

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No, you do not have to be a Catholic to participate in Lent.Roman Catholic AnswerAs Lent is for the purpose of preparing for the death and resurrection of the Savior during the Easter Triduum, and I think the best preparation for receiving our Blessed Lord would be to start at the beginning, then, I should think that becoming Catholic would be the first step. This is why the RCIA classes end in Lent and the catechumens are brought into the Church at the Easter Vigil.

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There are a couple requirements as I recall from thinking about this years ago: * you will need to be re-baptized into the Roman Catholic church * you will need to attend RCIA classes that teach the various doctrines and sacraments of the Catholic church There may be more, and hopefully those will be clarified by further input here.

How do you convert to the Catholic religion before your wedding?

Contact your local Catholic Church and inquire about joining the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) programme.

Adults in the RCIA program usually celebrate the sacraments of?

Adults IN the RCIA program are limited. If they are not baptized yet, they will be just prior to being Confirmed as part of the RCIA process. Otherwise, the Sacraments, such as the Eucharist, are done after completing RCIA.Roman Catholic AnswerAdults in the RCIA program, if they are already baptized before starting the program, only receive the Sacrament of Penance(Confession) during the program. At the end of it they receive baptism, if they are not already baptized, confirmed, if they had not been confirmed in the Catholic Church previously, and then given Holy Communion.