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1. New Mass

2. Revised rites for the Sacraments

3. New Code of Canon Law

4. Restoration of the Permanent Diaconate

5. Reformation of the Church Calendar

6. Relaxation of Dietary Restrictions

7. Church trying to interact with the modern world through modern technology

8. More emphasis on move toward unity of all Christians

9. Vernacular Language in Mass

10. Reforms in Religious Life


Catholic AnswerVatican II itself did not change anything, the Holy Father (Pope Paul VI at that time) instituted most of the changes, the biggest changes that the Second Vatican Council actually asked for were:


1) deeper spirituality and participation by the laity

2) a missionary spirit to go out and live your Christianity and convert all those you know.


So the Council asked for people to take their religion seriously, and to go deeper. The unfortunate thing was the "reform" was hijacked by modernism and most of the changes that are seen are only surface deep and really weren't that important anyway. The big change was that Vatican II was asking everyone to take their religion seriously and to get involved.

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Q: What are 10 changes made after Vatican II?
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