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Judas- he betrayed him with a kiss on the cheek.(Mark 14:43-46)(Luke 22:47+48)

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12y ago
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12y ago

I'm not sure which apostle betrayed Jesus, but Judas, Jesus' disciple betrayed Him by telling the Romans (who wanted to capture and kill Him) exactly where Jesus was.

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11y ago

According to the Holy Bible, it was "Judas Iscariot" who betrayed Christ for 30 pieces of silver!

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9y ago

Judas Iscariot.

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his disiple, Judah

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Judas, bro...

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Q: Which apostle betrayed jesus for 30 pieces of silver?
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Who was the apostle who betraysd Jesus?

Judas was the disciple who betrayed him for 30 pieces of silver.

Jesus was betrayed by thirty pieces of silver by whom?

Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot, who received thirty pieces of silver in exchange for revealing Jesus' whereabouts to the authorities.

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Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

How much did Judas get from the Romans?

Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.

Which disciple agreed to betray Jesus and how was it done?

Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. He betrayed Him with a kiss.

Who be trayed Jesus?

It was Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus for 3o pieces of silver.

Which of the opostles betrayed jesus answer?

The disciple judos Iscariot betrayed Jesus with a kiss on the cheek, he did it for 30 pieces of silver coins.

How many pieces of gold and silver did Judas betrade Jesus for?

According to the Bible, Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

Who sold Jesus?

Judas sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver coins.

What does fifty pieces of silver?

Assuming you mean forty pieces of silver - it's the 'reward' given to Judas when he betrayed Jesus.

For how much was Jesus betrayed by Judas Iscariot to the chief priest?

30 pieces of silver

Who was the apostle who betrayed jesus?

Judas Iscariot