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The most common birds that are traditionally accepted as being kosher are:

a) All members of the chicken family.

b) Domesticated ducks.

c) Domesticated geese

d) Pigeons

e) Domesticated turkeys

f) Quail

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12y ago
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10y ago
In order to be kosher, food has to be prepared according to the kosher-laws (see Deuteronomy ch.14).

* Meat must be from those land animals which have split hooves and chew their cud (such as beef and mutton)
* Fish have to have scales and fins. The kosher diet excludes shellfish.
* Birds cannot be amongst those listed as forbidden in the Torah (Deuteronomy ch.14) and cannot be hunters/scavengers. In actual practice, today we eat only poultry-species concerning which we have a tradition that they're permitted, such as chicken and turkey.
* Animals must be slaughtered in the manner specified by Jewish law and must be free of all disease. In actual practice, those who keep kosher purchase meat which is certified as kosher.
* As much blood as possible must be removed from meat before cooking, since consumption of blood is forbidden (Leviticus ch.17). This is done by the kosher butcher.
* Dairy and meat cannot be combined in the same meal and there's a waiting period between eating one and then the other. After dairy: 1/2 hour. After meat: 6 hours for most Jewish communities.
* Fruits and vegetables should be checked to be sure they're free of bugs. Some Jews avoid cauliflower, asparagus, and the like, because of the difficulty in checking them.

Additionally, food must be prepared and handled following kashrut-laws and with kosher ingredients only. Any food that does not meet these requirements cannot be eaten by those who are religiously observant. Foods which are purchased should be labeled as having had kosher supervision during their processing.
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13y ago

Yes, in fact, chicken is a major staple during Passover.

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Anything that most everyone else eats as long as it is Kosher (ritually permitted) food. Examples are beef brisket, or roast chicken. Pork and shellfish are examples of foods not permitted in Judaism.

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It's permitted for food, not for sport.

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bread, berries, grain, vegetables and meat. however Jews were not permitted to eat the meat of any creatures without hoofs or hoofs that split feet i.e pigs, birds bats, rodents. Jews were not permitted to eat any meat that had been cooked with blood or anymeat with blood still in it. they were not permitted to eat the meat of any creature that had been offered as a sacrifice. Jews also would not eat unleaven bread (bread cooked without yeast) on the sabbath day or on religious days of the year. fish was also a very common food.

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