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Presbyterian Covenant theology accepts infants for baptism and inclusion in church membership on the basis of the faith of the parents and family. In this theology, children of the church are included in God's promise of salvation (Genesis 7:1; Acts 16:31.) Consequently, all baptised children are welcome to receive communion in the Church, based on their parent's discretion of the child's understanding and readiness in the faith.

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Q: What age do you receive communion in the Presbyterian church?
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Can a small child who has been baptised and receives C ommunion in a Greek Orthodox church also receive Communion in a Church of England church?

No, as Orthodox Christians (regardless of age) are only permitted to receive Communion in an Orthodox Church.

How does a 14 year old go about receiving first holy communion in the catholic church?

Go to your local Catholic Church and ask them this question. I do know that once a month a mass is said with communion so you could attend that mass and have communion with the body of the church.

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Any baptized Catholic who has received his/her First Holy Communion can receive communion under both species.

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What is a Holy Communion and what age do you receive it?

Most Catholic children receive their First Holy Communion when they reach the age of reason, about seven years of age. Communion is the receiving of the body and blood of Christ that have been transformed from simple bread and wine at the consecration of the Mass. Children usually require one or two years of education about the sacrament before they receive communion for the first time.

What age is confirmation for a presbyterian church?

It varies from local church to local church, and is usually set the pastor(s) in consultation with the ruling board of the church (the Session).

What age do church of England children take communion?

In England the children take their first communion when they are roughly ten years old.

When do children receive Holy Communion in Catholic Churches?

Roman Catholic AnswerSince Pope Pius X, at the turn of the century, beginning of the twentieth century, the age for First Holy Communion was lowered to the age of reason. So children receive their first Confession, followed by their first Holy Communion around the age of seven or eight.

Do Protestants get confirmed and receive Holy Communion.?

All Protestants celebrate the Lord's Supper (receive Holy Communion) although the frequency differs from denomination to denomination and church to church. Many Protestants (but not all) participate in "confirmation classes" and are confirmed, while others attend church membership classes and become just members by a public profession of their faith.

What is the difference between confirmiration and cummunion?

Confirmation is a sacrament in the Catholic Church where individuals receive the Holy Spirit to strengthen their faith. Communion, also known as the Eucharist, is the sacrament where Catholics receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Confirmation is typically received after baptism, while Communion can be received after the age of reason.

When are christians allowed to receive there First Communion?

In the Catholic Church, children typically receive their First Communion around the age of 7 or 8, after they have undergone instruction on the Eucharist. In some other Christian denominations, the timing of receiving First Communion may vary.

Are Protestants allowed to drink wine in the Chapal?

Yep. Anyone over the legal age limit is allowed to drink in Chapal..AnswerIf you are asking if protestants are permitted to receive Holy Communion in the Catholic Church, then the answer is no.