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1) When Cain became wroth that his offering to God had been deemed less worthy than that of Abel (Hevel), God spoke to Cain and told him important principles of behavior so that he might improve himself (see Genesis 4:7 with Rashi commentary).

2) Even after Cain murdered his brother Hevel, God delayed his punishment and even provided him with a guarantee of safety in the meantime.

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1) God didn't kill Cain outright (which was what Cain deserved).

2) He gave Cain a chance to repent (by asking where Abel was, instead of immediately censuring Cain).

3) He took action to prevent others from killing Cain (Genesis ch.4).

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The first act of divine mercy after Adam eats of the forbidden fruit was to give Adam clothing -- in response to Adam becoming embarrassed to discover that he was naked. The Bible notes numerous acts of mercy from that point onward, little things like sparing Lot and his daughters when destroying Sodom, showing Hagar a well to save baby Ishmael's life, giving Rebecca a child, and more. I'm not out of the book of Genesis yet.

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Q: What act of mercy does God extend to Cain after the murder?
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