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Aspe or niche.

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Q: What a church recess is called?
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What is a choir recess called?

Another name for a church recess is apse. They are typically placed at the eastern end of the church and contain the altar.

What is another name for church recess?

Another name for a church recess would be apse.

What is a 4 letter word for church recess?

A four letter word for church recess would be apse.

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What is a four letter word for church recess?


Recess in a church?

This would be an Apse, could also be a Niche

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The third ventricle contains two saclike recesses called the anterior supraoptic recess and the infundibular recess

What is an apsis?

An apsis is a recess or projection, with a dome or vault, at the east end of a church.

What is the name of a recess in a church which a crucifix is kept?

A niche is a recess in a wall which often contains a statue. A church could certainly have a niche that holds a crucifix. A niche need not be in a church.An apse is a large recess at one end of a church. If often contains an altar or statuary and is its walls are covered by paintings or carvings or other artwork. A large crucifix is a possible central figure for an apse. An apse is a term for a part of a church but it need not hold a crucifix.

What is an absis?

An absis is a recess or projection at the east end of a church - another name for an apse or apsis.

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What is a break in the church called?

A break in the church is usually referred to as a recess or intermission during a church service or event. It is a short period of time for people to take a break, greet one another, or engage in other activities before resuming the service.