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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 9y ago

Hinduism and Islam

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Q: What Two major religions grew steadily because they were able to assimilate and coexist with other religions?
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What are the two primary religions that coexist peacefully in Japan?

Shinto Buddhist and Buddhist

Is the Coexist foundation compassionate to the pagan and all religions?

yes they don't take a stance they promote understanding

Why is dehli called mini india?

Because of the different religions and cultures that coexist peacefully in the area, Delhi is frequently referred to as Mini India. In recent years, people from all around the country have settled in the capital.

Shintoism and Buddhism coexist as japan's two major religions. how is this possible?

Shinto is a more flexible religion, so it doesn't conflict with Buddhism

Did gorgosaurus coexist with daspletosaurus?

Obviously not, because there both dead.

What do the symbols of Coexist stand for?

The Coexist symbol typically represents the idea of different religions and ideologies peacefully coexisting in society. The symbols within it - the crescent moon (Islam), peace sign (Christianity), and others - represent various faiths and beliefs coming together in harmony.

How does Shintoism and Buddhism coexist as Japan's two major religions how?

Why shouldn't any two religions coexist?It should be noted that Shinto (the traditional religion of japan) has only 10% of the followers of Japanese Buddhism so calling Shinto one of the major religions in the country is bit of a stretch. In Japan a high percentage of the people are not affiliate d with any religion - data on membership is drawn from input based on what one's family religion has been not what the person's preference is. many Japanese chose the religious events they choose for other than religious reasons - s an example Christian weddings are popular because of the aesthetics.

What is a sentence with coexist?

The two species have learned to coexist peacefully in the same habitat.

Is it possible for religions to peacefully coexist with each other?

Yes, it is possible for religions to peacefully coexist with each other. This can be achieved through mutual respect, understanding, and tolerance of each other's beliefs and practices. Interfaith dialogue and cooperation can also help promote peaceful coexistence among different religions.

How do you spell coexist?

That is the correct spelling of the word "coexist".

What religions does Pi practice?

In the book "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel, Pi practices Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. He follows all three religions simultaneously, drawing wisdom and comfort from each one. This spiritual diversity is a central theme in the novel, highlighting the idea that different religions can coexist harmoniously within an individual.

What is a sentence for the word coexist?

Different social groups must learn to coexist.