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Q: What Hindu system says you can move up the social ladder in your next life if you follow Hindu law in this life?
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Do the Hindu's still follow the caste system?


What is the caste system in a simple answer?

the Hindu social class separation system

What is the Hindu social caste?

The Hindu social caste system begins with the Brahmin or the priests. Lower on the system are the Kshatriyas or the nobles, the Vaisyas or the farmers and producers, and the Shudras or the laborers.

The social stratification that dominates hindu india is known as what system?


What system is known for the social stratification that dominates Hindu India?

The caste system in Hindu India is known for the social stratification that divides people into distinct hierarchical groups based on birth, occupation, and social status. This system places individuals into specific castes, determining their opportunities and social interactions.

What is the definition of caste system?

The rigid Hindu system of hereditary social distinctions based on castes.

What is the thing that is called a system where Hindu social groups are divided?

a caste. (pronounced cast.)

Is brahmans the lowest ranking social group in Hindu caste system?

No, those would be the Untouchables

What are the difference between the feudal social structure and the Hindu caste system?

Feudal social structure is based on relationships between lords and vassals, with land ownership as a key factor. In contrast, the Hindu caste system is a hereditary social hierarchy with specific occupational roles. While both systems involve social stratification, the feudal system is more focused on land ownership and military service, whereas the caste system is based on religious beliefs and social duties.

What is the main reason Hindus and buddhists are different?

Hindu has a caste system that is super strict with social class

What is bad about the Varna system?

"what is bad about the varna system" is not the same question as "what is varna" varna is Hindu religious-social group known as a "caste"

Do the Buddhist and Hindu's religions both use the Caste system?

The caste system is traditionally associated with Hinduism, where social status is determined by birth. Buddhism does not have a caste system like Hinduism, as it emphasizes equality, non-discrimination, and the potential for all individuals to attain enlightenment regardless of social background.