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I can't find any verse that says that.

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Q: What Bible verse says take back that which the Devil has taken from you?
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The Bible doesn't say that.

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I'm not sure if anyone has the bible online or whatnot, but if you go to a book store and use a Thompson Chain Bible, they have indexes in the back where you can look up certain words, names, and phrases and it will list every verse with that.

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Proverbs 6:31. Satan is a thief also

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I believe so, read the book of Job.

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Devil on My Back was created in 1984.

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The Devil Hits Back was created in 1989.

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No, why would you want to he doesn't come back until Anti-Christ comes on earth

Is the only way to teach the Bible to teach it verse by verse?

This is called rote learning. It results in a child being able to repeat a text back verbatim, without any understanding of the biblical text. If rote learning is the objective, then, yes, learning verse by verse is a good method. If the objective is for children to be able to understand and know what they are learning, then this is not the best method.

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6Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the LORD.Bible verses can be found by using a book called a 'Concordance'. The words you are looking for are listed and you can then find the right verse. The good ones come as separate books and many Bible's have small ones in the back.

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The duration of Pray the Devil Back to Hell is 1.2 hours.

Where would you find in the bible about sodom and gomorrah being warned not to look back in the king James version of the holy Bible?

In the Bible at Genesis 19:17 when God was getting ready to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot, his wife and 2 daughters were told not to look back. In verse 24-26 it states that the Lord causes it to rain brimestone and fire. Lot's wife looked back and turn to a pillar of salt.