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Buddha does not speak of overcoming ignorance. He does indicate that desire is a product of an unskilled approach to life and desire is the cause of suffering. Controlling desire by following the Eightfold path's suggestions reduces or eliminates pain. Understanding and following the Eightfold Path leads to enlightenment. A Enlightenment allows Buddhists to reach the end of the cycle of death and rebirth and may, if the enlightened person desires, lead to entry into Nirvana.

Existing in Nirvana allows the Buddhist to reach a state of selfless existence devoid of ego.

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Q: What According to Buddhist teachings if people can overcome their desire and ignorance they will reach what?
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What does ignorance can be overcome through proper understanding mean?

ignorance can be overcome for proper understanding

What is difficult to overcome?

Many things are difficult to overcome, but ignorance is perhaps one of them. Not lack of education - that's pretty easy to overcome by study, but true ignorance such as bigotry, racism, and other forms of hatred caused by not understanding anyone but yourself.

When will I get enlightenment?

When we switch on the light, we overcome darkness and we see what is available around us. Enlightenment is switching on the light within. How do you switch on the light within? How can you get enlightenment? It is by overcoming the darkness of ignorance. We are all enveloped in ignorance, the darkness. As long as there is darkness of ignorance, there can be no enlightenment. What should we do? Drop our ignorance. How do you drop ignorance? By realizing the truth. When we realize the truth and we overcome our ignorance, we reach that state of realization which is enlightenment. Once we are enlightened then we can see what we are within, we realize the truth, just as we overcome all the myths we have been taught.

What obstacles must all Buddhists overcome?

Ignorance leading to attachment and aversion, the cause of suffering.

What does ignorance look like?

Ignorance can manifest as a lack of knowledge, critical thinking, or understanding about a particular topic or situation. It often leads to misunderstandings, prejudice, and closed-mindedness. Ignorance can be overcome through education, empathy, and a willingness to learn.

What is the importance of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold path?

The four Nobel truths explain why human suffer while the eightfold path offers a way to overcome that suffering.

Why did Followers of Buddhism believe that its teachings will allow them to?

Overcome the suffuring that is a natural partof human life

Why Followers of Buddhism believe that its teachings will allow them to?

Answer this question… overcome the suffering that is a natural part of human life.

What happens to Buddhists if they break a law?

Buddhists need to be as law abiding as any other citizen. They are subject to the same legal punishments for breaking the law. For any person that follows a set of behavioral guidelines (religious, philosophical or personal) situations arise when the culturally or legally imposed requirements cannot be followed. Most people who have strong commitments to their own internal beliefs will not follow the laws in that case.

What belief is most closely associated with the teachings of siddhartha Gautama?

People can overcome their desires by following the Eight-Fold Path

Do Buddhist's believe they have an identity?

The existence of a separate self is a persistent delusion. Many feel that this is the final delusion to be overcome once Nirvana is attained.

How do Buddhist monks reciprocate for the food and offerings they receive?

Buddhist monks do not reciprocate for the food and offerings they receive. People give them food and requisites as a way of practicing generosity, earning merit and overcoming their greed. If the monks reciprocated, it would not be an act of generosity, there would be no merit, and it would not help the givers overcome their greed.Monks practice generosity and compassion by teaching the dhamma to those who are interested, but they are not required to do so and it is not in exchange for food and requisites.The Buddha said that monks who are free from the defilements of greed, anger and ignorance eat alms without debt.