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The first revolt (66-68 CE) was started by the Zealots under the leadership of ABBA Sikra (Talmud, Gittin 56a).

The second (135 CE) was under the leadership of Bar Kokhba (a.k.a. Shimon ben Koziba).

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Q: Were there two great revolts by the Jews against Rome?
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What was the result in the Jews revolt against rome?

The result of both major Jewish revolts against Rome was disastrous for the Jews. After the first revolt, the temple was destroyed and many were enslaved. After the second one, not only were the Jews defeated, but they were forbidden to live in or even enter the city of Jerusalem.The result of both major Jewish revolts against Rome was disastrous for the Jews. After the first revolt, the temple was destroyed and many were enslaved. After the second one, not only were the Jews defeated, but they were forbidden to live in or even enter the city of Jerusalem.The result of both major Jewish revolts against Rome was disastrous for the Jews. After the first revolt, the temple was destroyed and many were enslaved. After the second one, not only were the Jews defeated, but they were forbidden to live in or even enter the city of Jerusalem.The result of both major Jewish revolts against Rome was disastrous for the Jews. After the first revolt, the temple was destroyed and many were enslaved. After the second one, not only were the Jews defeated, but they were forbidden to live in or even enter the city of Jerusalem.The result of both major Jewish revolts against Rome was disastrous for the Jews. After the first revolt, the temple was destroyed and many were enslaved. After the second one, not only were the Jews defeated, but they were forbidden to live in or even enter the city of Jerusalem.The result of both major Jewish revolts against Rome was disastrous for the Jews. After the first revolt, the temple was destroyed and many were enslaved. After the second one, not only were the Jews defeated, but they were forbidden to live in or even enter the city of Jerusalem.The result of both major Jewish revolts against Rome was disastrous for the Jews. After the first revolt, the temple was destroyed and many were enslaved. After the second one, not only were the Jews defeated, but they were forbidden to live in or even enter the city of Jerusalem.The result of both major Jewish revolts against Rome was disastrous for the Jews. After the first revolt, the temple was destroyed and many were enslaved. After the second one, not only were the Jews defeated, but they were forbidden to live in or even enter the city of Jerusalem.The result of both major Jewish revolts against Rome was disastrous for the Jews. After the first revolt, the temple was destroyed and many were enslaved. After the second one, not only were the Jews defeated, but they were forbidden to live in or even enter the city of Jerusalem.

Why were Jews a problem for rome?

To quote the movie Life of Brian, "the Jews are revolting." Jews revolted against Roman rule in many minor revolts and two major revolts (in the year 68 and 132). In each of the major revolts, Jewish rebel forces drove Rome out of Jerusalem for at least a year, and Rome has to bring in legions from as far afield as Germany and Gaul to put down the rebellion. The loss of lives on both sides was appalling.

Did Jews and their roman conquerors live in harmony?

No. There were numerous revolts against Rome, including big ones in the years 68 and 132, when Jewish rebel forces drove Rome out of Jerusalem for several years. Rome responded by destroying the Temple in Jerusalem in the year 70 and by destroying Jerusalem and attempting to wipe out Judaism after the second revolt. Putting down the Jewish revolts required close to the full might of the Roman Empire, including drawing legions from as far away as Germany.

Why did the Romans disperse Jews?

The Jews revolted against Rome in the year 68. Rome destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem while suppressing this revolt. The Jews revolted again in the year 132. Rome destroyed Jerusalem, killed at least half a million Jews, enslaved many, drove the remainder out of Judea, and renamed Judea Palestine.

Who are the group that led a revolt against the Romans?

nananananan msmEWJUH There were actually three major slave revolts against Rome, but the only leader's name that has come down to us is Spartacus. He was the leader of the last slave revolt.

In what did the zealots rebel against Rome?

I am pretty sure they revolted because of who The Jews Believed In. And also the Jews Religion (Judaism)

What consequences did the Romans impose on the Jews as a result of their conflict with Rome?

the rome captive the jews

What was the final result of the Jews revolting against the Romans?

the final result of the Jews' revolt against Rome, was the destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem and dispersion of Jews all over the Roman empire. The Jews remained in the exile diaspora until 1948, when they reestablished their independent state of Israel. Most of the Jews that live outside of Israel are a result of this deportation.

What happend after the Jews rebelled against Rome in AD 132?

They were dispersed throughout the Empire to ensure that could not repeat their frequent uprisings.

What happened in 68 AD?

The Jews in Judaea rised up against Rome.

What 4 crimes was Jesus committed of doing?

He was accused of claiming to be the king of the Jews, being the son of God,, raising a revolt against Rome.

When did Nero burn Rome?

Nero rebuilt Rome after the great fire of 64 AD.Nero rebuilt Rome after the great fire of 64 AD.Nero rebuilt Rome after the great fire of 64 AD.Nero rebuilt Rome after the great fire of 64 AD.Nero rebuilt Rome after the great fire of 64 AD.Nero rebuilt Rome after the great fire of 64 AD.Nero rebuilt Rome after the great fire of 64 AD.Nero rebuilt Rome after the great fire of 64 AD.Nero rebuilt Rome after the great fire of 64 AD.