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Yes, they were important in spreading new ideas and knowledge.

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Q: Were the Islamic trade routes important in spreading new ideas and knowledge?
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I will abase you in about a million years

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Which route connected west Africa to the Islamic world?

The TRANS-SAHARA TRADE ROUTES connect North Africa, which is part of the Islamic World, to West Africa.

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by expanding their trade routes by spreading further in the desert also become major carriers of goods

Why were the seas important to the greek?

they were important transportation routes for Greek people.

What was the most important trade route in africa?

There are many trade routes in Africa. These routes were used as routes for trade and often times for travel.

Why was discovering new lands so important?

Discovering new lands was important for countries and explorers for reasons such as expanding territory, resources, trade routes, and spreading influence and power. It also led to the exchange of ideas, technologies, and cultures between different regions, contributing to the growth and development of societies.

Why did people explore for back then?

People explored in the past for various reasons, such as seeking new trade routes for goods, expanding territories, spreading religious beliefs, searching for new resources, and gaining knowledge about the world. Additionally, curiosity, ambition, and a desire for adventure were often driving factors for exploration.

Why would someone not want to be educated about aids?

This is sad, but people are still ignorant about AIDS because of the stigma attached to it. It is important to know about AIDS, because having knowledge will only prevent this from spreading. AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) produced by HIV (virus) mainly transmitted during un-protected sex with affected partner, other routes of transmission - infected needles,razors,syringes, etc.

What cause the spread of Arabic language?

The spread of the Arabic language can be attributed to the historical expansion of the Islamic Empire, trade routes, and the strong cultural and religious significance of Arabic in the Islamic world. Additionally, the Arabic language has become important in fields such as science, mathematics, and literature, further contributing to its widespread use.