They're not supposed to, but a lot of times they do.
a times a in a shorter term would be a2.
They drank water or wine.
It is safe to say that people have disliked illness in all times through history, including in Jesus' day.
In Bible times, crucifixion involved the fastening of an individual to a cross. These crosses, like that of Jesus Christ, consisted of one long wooden beam, with a shorter beam fastened to it perpendicularly close to the top.
I don't think people considered the accounts of Jesus as miracles but the things Jesus did were certainly miracles. Healing the sick, blind and crippled etc are miracles in anybody's language
alot jesus was a peaceful guy he under stood people and wha they had to say. he helped people like lazzerath etc. so my opinion over 5 times
yes,shorter people do have more energy then taller people.
Last names didn't really exist in Biblical times. However, people were identified from the city from which they or their fathers were from. This is why Jesus is called Jesus of Nazareth.
Jesus is mentioned 953 times.
One possible answer might be people - people get shorter the older they get.
Why did Jesus call the disciples?Jesus called the disciples because He wanted followers. The disciples (Jesus' followers) set an example for people back in Biblical times. The disciples were very helpful (most of them anyways.)