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The twelve Jesus sent out were given these orders "....Asye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand...... freely ye have received, freely give."

(Matthew 10:5-8 KJV)

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Q: Were people paid for spreading the gospel?
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What are the aims of the gospel to Christians?

Christians aim at stopping unsaved people from going to hell by spreading the Gospel (Jesus' death on the cross for our sins).

What is Evangelist church?

a church who's emphasis is on spreading the gospel.

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Life in the Word - 1997 Spreading the Gospel Through Partnership was released on: USA: 22 September 2011

When did the apostles start spreading Jesus' teachings?

The Apostles began spreading the Gospel soon after Jesus' ascension in approximately 33AD.

What is evangelica?

Evangelical or evangelicalism is the act of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The movement began in the 18th and 19th centuries as a way to spread Christianity to the indigenous people of the newly conquered territories.

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If you mean Christian Mission, the word you may be looking for is Evangelism: the spreading of the Gospel.

How did saint paul the apostle make the world a better place?

One of his main contributions was spreading the gospel to the gentiles. Before Paul, Christianity was mainly for previous Jews. On the road to Damascus, God blinded Saul (who is now known as Paul) and converted him. He then began spreading the love of Christ.

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Are people who suddenly stand up inside public transport and preach about the bible for real?

Absolutely. Do some dispute that they're doing it the wrong way? Yes. Will yelling at people in the subway or tube convert people? Probably not. But it's how they see themselves as spreading the Gospel.

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A Soul winner is a term of endearment for a person that has a real love for spreading the gospel (or good news) of Christ.

What is the announcement of the gospel to the world?

The announcement of the gospel to the world typically refers to the spreading of the message of Christianity to all people, emphasizing aspects like salvation through Jesus Christ, God's love and forgiveness, and the call to live a life in accordance with Christian principles. This proclamation is often carried out through evangelism, missionary work, and sharing the teachings of the Bible with others.

What important role did the monasteries play in the spread of Christianity?

Monks were responsible for spreading the gospel from Ireland north to the Faroe Islands and Iceland. Also the gospel was first taken to China by monks from Europe. So they had quite a big role in the spreading of Christianity.