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The English spelled names as we spell them today are accepted to be how the names were said back in the day.

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Q: Were none of the biblical names available 2000 years ago before the English alphabet that is only 500 years old?
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What was the alphabet before your alphabet today?

If you are asking what alphabet was used in English prior to the Latin alphabet, the answer is none.

How long has the English alphabet existed?

The English borrowed the Latin alphabet from the Romans around the 8th or 9th Century CE. Before that, the English used Norse runes to write Old English

What letter does you come before?

In the English alphabet, the letter U comes before the letter V.

Why are the Bible names English before the English alphabet existed?

They were converted to english. For example Jesus Hebrew name was Yaweh.

Is r before t?

No, "r" comes after "t" in the English alphabet.

What letter comes after f?

The letter E comes before the letter F in the English Alphabet and this is the case for most Alphabets that contain Latin Alphabet symbols that are derived from Greek.

What is the English translation of the Samoan word Doro?

Im Samoan and have never heard that word before. There is no letter D in the Samoan alphabet.

Why y is placed in between xz in erp system software?

Because 'Y' comes after 'X' and before 'Z' in the English alphabet.

Is Jr or Sr first in alphabetical order?

"J" comes before "S" in the English alphabet, therefore "Jr" comes before "Sr" when applying alphabetical order.

When did the ancient rome introduce the alphabet to the US?

Rome did not introduce the Latin alphabet (the Romans were Latins). Ancient Roman civilisation ended about 1,000 years before the Discovery. What happened is that western European languages have adopted and modified the lain alphabet, including English language.

Is care before careful in the alphabet?

yes becasue after the word care ends the word careful doesnt now therefore making care go before careful in the english languge.

Did language come before the alphabet?

well, i suppose a cavemans grunt could be classed as language, and its doubtful they had an alphabet. so yes, language probably came before the alphabet