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There are a number of places where Hindus go to on special journeys which are known as pilgrimages. Some of them include Kumbh Mela, Char Dham, Shakti Peethas and so many more.

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11y ago

Hindus have several temples throughout Indian sub continent. Varanasi (kaasi), Hrishikesh, Kailas giri, Tirupathi, Madurai, sabari malai are some famous pilgrimages.

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15y ago

the hindus usually go to kasi or rameshwaram on a pilgrimage.

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13y ago

to famous temples

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13y ago

To dwarka,Puri etc.

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Q: Were do Hindus go to pilgramage?
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what type of people go on a pilgramage?

People from various religious backgrounds participate in pilgrimages, seeking spiritual growth, renewal, or fulfillment. These individuals often have a deep faith or connection to a particular religious site or tradition and are motivated by a desire for a transformative experience. Pilgrims may come from all walks of life and ages.

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Yes, to the big block thing

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For the hajj pilgramage, you go on the first 10 days of the month of Dhul' Hija

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He went on his hajj (pilrgimage) in 1964

What is a pilgramages?

a pilgramage is when pilgrims go on a long spiritual journey to seek more of god.

Do Hindus go to school?

Why not!!!!

Where do Hindus worship and when?

Hindus worship in a temple, and men have to go every Saturday, but women can go whenever they want.

Where do christians go on pilgramage?

they don't (at least they're not required to- they sometimes go to see Biblically Historical sites, but that's more out of personal interest)

Who pilgramage to mecca?

The people from Islam.

Where do Hindus go on a pilgrimage?

a place

Were is the Hindus pilgrimage?

The Ganges River is a common place for Hindus to go on a pilgrimage.

What is a Hindus relationship with god?

Not only hindus, everyone has a relationship with him, we emerged from him and at the end, we will go back.