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A:Apart from James and perhaps Judas, we do not know when or even how any of the apostles died. Even the two accounts of the death of Judas, in Matthew and Acts, are sufficiently different (and sufficiently parallel Old Testament stories) to cast doubt on their historicity.

During the second century, various imaginative traditions arose to tell of the generally gruesome deaths suffered by each of the apostles. The most popular of these is the story of Peter crucified upside down in Rome. Yet Clement of Rome, writing around 95 CE (1 Clement), spoke in general terms about the life and death of Peter but appears to have been unaware that he had even visited Rome and was certainly unaware that he had been executed in any way at all. In fact, there is no good reason to believe any of the late Christian traditions of the deaths of the twelve disciples. We do not know whether any of them were really killed for their faith.

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Q: Were all the disciples of Jesus killed?
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