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Q: We promise to be like Jesus when we accept God's what?
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Jesus is like his Father in the Old Testament, and is displeased when we worship other Gods. Nevertheless, though he is good and kind and forgiving, he cannot accept any of us unless we repent.

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If you believe in the story of Jesus, then you should know Jesus was God's son.

Why do you make a Lenten promise?

We make a Lenten promise because Jesus suffered for us. So we do a little thing by giving up something and suffer a small amount like Jesus. So like Jesus suffered on the cross we suffer by giving up something.

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We have many beliefs...Jehovah is God Almighty and Jesus is his Son. We are Christians and we preach about Gods Kingdom like Jesus did. Jesus was a Jehovah Witness.

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It may be important because than the gods that you worship may accept you, like in Christianity, God can accept you into Heaven.

Does a girl accept a promise ring if she doesn't want to be with you?

Yea a girl may accept a promise ring even if she doesn't want to be with you. It matters what type of girl she is, like if she's the type that doesn't now how to say no &nd feels bad if she doesn't or she may be the type who will just straight up tell you that she's not interested in you like that. -Brittney

Were there any other people like Jesus in his village?

There were people like Jesus because it is not just about being Gods son.Other people are like him because he teaches people how to be good.So they become like him a good person.

Is Jesus coming back to get all the Christians?

Yes, it is a promise. Soon, Jesus will return to Rapture (take to heaven) his church. Be ready. The Bible says Jesus' return will surprise eveyone. It will be like a thief in the night.

What does 2 Timothy first chapter and verse mean?

2Timothy 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus, In this verse Paul introduces himself as an apostle of Jesus Christ. He had been commissioned to special service by the glorified Lord. This commission was not by men or through men, but directly through the will of God. Paul speaks of his apostleship as being according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus. God has made a promise that all who believe in Christ Jesus will receive eternal life. Paul's call to be an apostle was in harmony with this promise. In fact, if there had been no such promise, there would have been no need of an apostle like Paul.

What do you have to promise when you make your confirmation?

To always remain a faithful Christian & believing in God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

What did Jesus say or do that made Bartholomew want to follow Jesus?

Its not that Jesus had to negotiate with Jesus, although things were said about the kingdom to come and the judging. He also said things to bartholemew like the unjust will be punished the just rewarded, the poor shall be rich, the rich shall be poor, but it was mostly the holy spirit and gods wisdom coming into bartholemew that made him follow in gods path