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Q: Was moses ordered to kill his son?
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Why did God want to Kill Moses in Exodus chapter 4 verses 24 through 26?

Because he didn't perform a circumcision on his son.

Is Moses the son of Abraham?

No Moses is not the son of Abraham, it was Isaac who was Abraham son.

Was the son of Hazrat Moses also a prophet?

no the son of hazrat moses was not a prophet. the prophet after moses was harun.

Is moses a son of god?

No. Moses was not a son of God according to the Old Testament

What was the name of the mountain that Moses climbed up to kill his son in the Bible?

You are probably thinking of Abraham, and the mountain was Mount Moriah.

Who is the son of Moses peace be upon him?

It is mentioned in Quran the brother of prophet Moses and not a son. Brother of Prophet Moses is the Prophet Haroun (peace upon them)

Was moses abraham's son?


What is Moses's full name?

Surnames do not exist in the Biblical period. People were identified as "X son of Y". Moses would be Moses son of Amram and Yochebed.

Why did the Why did the pharaoh want to kill Moses?

Moses marched out of Egypt with all of Pharoah's servants who were God's people. The Pharoah didn't want to let God's people go in the first place.

Did the same Herod who killed the male children during Christ's infancy kill John the Baptist?

No, he wasn't. It was his son who ordered the death of the John the Baptist.

How are god and Moses linked?

they had a son

What is the word for to kill your son?

filium tuum necare. - to kill your son" " neco - I kill your son