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Q: Was begun to protect what some felt were attacks on traditional Christian values?
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In politics today which group wants to protect society and maintain traditional values?


What are considered to be some typical Christian family values?

There are some things that could be considered to be typical, traditional Christian family values. The main thing would be an avoidance of smoking, alcohol, and swearing.

What are some of the values a Christian family has?

Families need Christian family values if the traditional family unit is to remain strong. Marriages are ending in divorce at record numbers. Many children learn their values from television, movies, and music instead of from their parents.

What are the five traditional news values?

the five traditional news values

What church is more traditional in its family views the Pentecostal church or Church of the Nazarene or the Seventh-day Adventist Church?

They are all conservative christian churches; therefore, have equal traditional values.

How did the writings of enlightenment-era thinkers like john Locke and Montesquieu influence the American revolution?

These writings challenged traditional social, religious, and political values.

The meaning of term of values in Christian context?

Values mean morals and beliefs in the Christian context.

Which group supports a limited government and traditional values?

Conservatives like Republicans prefer limited government and traditional values.

The Christian values of the people of Constantinople were expressed by .?

The Christian values of the people of Constantinople were expressed by the formation of agencies that help the needy.

How can a christian maintain the values in a collapsed economy?

Values? There are many values a christian has...and the only way to maintain them is by praying and putting faith in God. He will always provide what we need.

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what are cherishing value that protect environment