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St. Francis Xavier was a Jesuit. He was one of the original Jesuits who met and traveled with St. Ignatius of Loyola and joined his order.

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Q: Was Xavier a Jesuit
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Was St. Francis an early Jesuit?

Yes, Francis Xavier was a Jesuit and helped found the order.

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St. Francis Xavier who was a missionary to the Orient.

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Francis Xavier, one of the founding Jesuit priests arrived in India two years after the founding of the Order in 1540. He began his mission to India in Goa.

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St Francis Xavier a Jesuit arrived in 1542 the Fransiscans in the 1550's.

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Roman Catholic AnswerThe Jesuit Missionary who introduced Christianity to Japan in 1549 was St. Francis Xavier (1506-1552).

What did St. Francis Xavier do?

St. Francis Xavier was a pioneering Jesuit missionary who played a crucial role in spreading Christianity to Asia, particularly in areas such as India and Japan. He also established schools, hospitals, and churches in these regions to support the communities he served. His efforts helped to lay the foundation for the growth of Christianity in Asia.

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