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Q: Was Prophet Muhammad born before the death of his father?
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How old was Muhammad's father when he left?

He was twenty-five years old when he died. Most historians state that his death was two months before the birth of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w).

How did Muhammad's father die?

the father of prophet was Abdullah was 25 years at death and was in travel that died and never could see birth of his son Muhammad (PBUH).

Who took care of Prophet Muhammad?

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) was born in 570 CE in the holy city of Makkah, Saudi Arabia. Muhammad's father Abdullah died many weeks before Muhammad was born and his mother died not long after Muhammads birth when he was 6 years old. The prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) was orphaned and was later on brought up by his grandfather Abd al Muttalib until Muhammad was eight. After Muhammads grandfathers death Muhammad was raised by his Uncle Abu Talib for his later life.

How was abu bakr related to muhammad?

~Muhammad was his son-in-law. Abu Bakr was a close companion to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the first man believed in Muhammad prophesy and accepting Islam religion. Abu was the only companion to Prophet Muhammad during his Immigration from Mecca (Makkah) to Medina. Abu Bakr is the father of Aisha, (may God be pleased with her) Prophet Muhammad wife. Abu Bakr was the 1st Caliph (Ruler) after prophet Muhammad death.

When was shia made?

After prophet Muhammad (PBUH) death

Who did the Muslims claim as Muhammad successor?

Abou Bakr Assidiq was elected by Muslims as prophet Muhammad (PBUH) successor of the prophet death.

When did hazrat Muhammad pbuh do hajj?

Hazrat Muhammad Performed Hajj One Year Before His Death

Which of the prophet mohammed's children died after him?

Hazrat Fatima RA died after death of prophet Muhammad pbuh .

Was Hazrat Bilal present after death of Prophet Muhammad?

Yes , he was present .

What is dissimilarities between muhammed and Christ?

Some of the dissimilarities betweenMuhammad and Jesus are as followed: * Muhammad was a prophet * Jesus was a prophet who was also the Son of God ** Muhammad was a special messenger of God ** Jesus was the message of God ( He was the "Word" *** Muhammad taught there is life after death *** Jesus is that "Life" ( " I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life no one comes to the father except by me".)

How is titled the leaders of Islam after death of Prophet Muhammad?

The leader of Islam after prophet Muhammad (PBUH) death was titled ' Khalifa' in Arabic or Caliph in English. This means the successor. The plural in Arabic is 'Kholafaa' or Caliphs in English.

When was the date of Muhammad's death?

Death date of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is Monday, 12th Rabi' al-Awwal, 11AH or June 8, 632