James Arness, the actor known for his role in the TV show "Gunsmoke", had a younger brother named Peter Graves who was also an actor. Graves is best known for his role in the TV series "Mission: Impossible".
Peter Graves, who was the lead actor in the TV Series "Mission Impossible"
Peter Graves was born on March 18, 1926 and died on March 14, 2010. Peter Graves would have been 83 years old at the time of his death. Born Peter Aurness, he was the younger brother of actor James Arness.
Joan Endress (1950-present) 3 children
Peter Graves, who was the lead actor in the TV Series "Mission Impossible"
Peter Graves, who was the lead actor in the TV Series "Mission Impossible"
Peter Graves, who was the lead actor in the TV Series "Mission Impossible"
Peter Graves is an actor who is most known for his performance as one of the pilots in the 1980 hit comedy "Airplane!". He also played the grandfather on the television show "7th Heaven".
No, but actor Peter Graves was Arness' brother.
George Graves - actor - was born in 1876.
George Graves - actor - died in 1949.
Not really ... but it is a surname of an actor: Peter Lupus, who starred in the old TV show "Mission Impossible" with Peter Graves and Martin Landau.