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Mother Teresa was known and respected world wide but was not a political leader.

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Q: Was Mother Teresa a world leader?
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What religion was Mother Teresa the leader of?

Mother Teresa was not the leader of any religion as she was a practicing Catholic. She was the founder of the Missionaries of Charity and headed the order for many years.

Was Mother Teresa a faith leader?

She was head of the religious order that she had founded: The Missionaries of Charity.

Why is Mother Teresa considered a leader?

because she helped loads of people

Why did they call Mother Teresa Mother?

Mother is the title given to the leader of a religious order - Mother Superior. Also, Mother Teresa was originally a Sister of Loreto, they are given the title Mother (as opposed to Sister) as soon as they make their final vows, so Mother Teresa was known as Mother even as a teaching Sister.

Where was Mother Teresa a nun?

No, Mother Teresa's mother was a housewife. Nuns do not marry or have children.

What was the greatest contribution of Mother Teresa?

Mother Teresa was a Christian nun who helped the poor of the whole world including Calcutta.

Where does Mother Teresa's charity work?

Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity work in over 120 countries around the world.

Where are Mother Teresa's millions?

What millions? Every cent taken in by Mother Teresa was used to maintain and expand her work with the poor of the world.

Is Mother Teresa a good leader?

She's been dead for quite some time now.

Did Mother Teresa have worries about anything?

Mother Teresa did not have any worries about anything. She believed that the world was her destination and she was just passing by and therefore did not have to worry.

Is Mother Teresa really dead?

Yes, Mother Teresa is really dead to this world but lives on in heaven. She died on September 5, 1997.

Was Mother Teresa a religious leader?

A:Mother Teresa was at all times a religious leader and only then a person who cared for the poor. In her own words, " We are not nurses, we are not doctors, we are not teachers, we are not social workers. We are religious, we are religious, we are religious."